Ilona’s workshops are designed to learn & apply immediately with lots of practice work.

Choose from single workshops to a series of workshops.

Workshops are half days or full days, online or in person.

Communications Essentials and Potentials
Awareness is the first step to improving your communication capabilities. Get your personalised report on your potential and expand your competencies.

Communications Success with Diverse People
Learn how to activate different communication styles and why they are necessary to connect with, motivate and manage people in much better ways.

Take the Stress out of Conversations
Negative stress shows early on in communication. Learn what and how to watch for red flags and set suitable interventions to avoid drama.

Communications and Leadership
Communication skills are a must for people leaders. Tap into full potential with lots of practice, so your leadership will be successful in the current work environment.

Compassion in Conflict
Learn how to move forward in difficult conversations and avoid drama. Showing compassion paired with accountability will help you manage people better for rapid change and challenges.

Endorsements and Kind Words

“After many years of leadership tools and models I thoroughly enjoyed the PCM model but I have to say the real insights came from our session together. You explained simply and concisely how the model worked and moreover how it plays out for my particular leadership profile”

Sarah Nichols
Marketing Director AU/NZ

Endorsements and Kind Words

“After many years of leadership tools and models I thoroughly enjoyed the PCM model but I have to say the real insights came from our session together. You explained simply and concisely how the model worked and moreover how it plays out for my particular leadership profile”

Sarah Nichols
Marketing Director AU/NZ

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Receive insights, news, and events to lift your communication potential.